Pac Cup Update: Day 11+ FINISHED!

This post is from Barry, sitting at J/World’s office in Alameda over 2,100 nautical miles from the Kaneohe Bay Yacht Club and the Pacific Cup finish.

J/World’s Pacific Cup entry finished in the darkness at 02:48:06 this morning. Congratulations to the team for competing in and completing the “Fun Race to Hawaii!”

Having competed in several ocean races such as this, I’m sure the team had every intent to get “one last” post out. However, as they approached landfall and the pinnacle of their adventure, I’m sure they attended to other things and the many mixed emotions ranging from “I can’t wait to get off this boat” to “I can’t believe it’s over already.” There will be tales to be told to friends and love ones – those meeting the team in Hawaii and those back home and at work.

Sailing a boat across an ocean is no small feat. RACING across an ocean is an even greater accomplishment. The J/World team consisted of 2 coaches and 6 participants and most had never met until just before the start of the race. Most of our participants had little – if any – offshore experience – but they do now! Congratulations to all of our participants for their accomplishment.

I would also like to thank several people and companies who partnered with us to make this program a success. Thank you to Spinlock who provided Deckvests™ for this team and for participants of our offshore sailing programs. Deckvest is ‘The compact personal lifejacket harness, for performance sailing.’

Thank also to Nick White who made it possible for us to introduce our participants to Expedition – the best tactical and navigation software available. Expedition supports more instrument systems, is easier to use and has the most powerful and useful functions for the racing navigator.

(while the computer is a great decision support tool, it doesn’t prevent you from blowing up spinakers!)

Thank you Peter Cameron and Cameron International for last minute trouble-shooting and help in sorting our our instruments.

Most importantly, thank you to the friends and families of our team who support our dreams and aspirations!

Sail fast!
