Inside 100!
And I can tell you the level of improvement has been just fantastic. At the start of the race, for plotting and routing purposes, I generally assume we’ll be going about 85% of our target boatspeeds. I’ll modify this a bit one way of the other depending on a variety of things (experience of the crew, race conditions, etc.) but we were pretty close to that number. By the time we got to the halfway point, I was using 90%. The next day I bumped it up to 95%. That’s pretty impressive. I can’t really tell you how fun it is to see a team go from just ‘hanging in there’ sailing the boat (and sometimes not even able to do that in the darkness of night and shifty conditions) to full-on efficiency across the whole spectrum, day, night, squalls, and tradewinds. And, of course, it’s not just driving… the trimming, the crew work, the understanding of the relationships between all the positions, etc. etc. just became stronger and stronger. and contributed to our increased efficiency day after day….
One of our team mentioned that it’s really like having four coaches aboard: not only are there three ‘regular’ coaches, but the group has been pro-active at working together, fostering a real sense of unified purpose and experience, and sharing with each other to improve as a whole. I’ll admit, I might have been premature in calling a group of diversified sailors who had never stepped on a boat together before a ‘team’, but that designation is certainly justified now. I’m proud of all of them. Marko, Joe, and Alix came aboard with extremely limited exposure to sailing, and I couldn’t be more impressed with how they have progressed. Dale, Mike and Jimmy all brought more experience aboard and all rose to a high standard. And, beyond them all just doing great, we had a fantastic time. I have to say it was an extreme pleasure to sail with each and every one of them, for the first time or again.
So good on you all, team. We were up against probably one of the toughest fleets I have ever raced to Hawaii against. Each and every boat in our fleet was immaculately prepared, and the crew rosters read like a who’s who of West Coast offshore racing. This is the real McCoy, a true grand-prix offshore racing event. The fact that our young team could even think of competing against these guys was cool. The fact that we were able to be competitive against them was awesome.
An finally, a huge thank you to coaches Geoff and Jasper. These guys did a great job. It’s no small feat to pull together a new crew and head off on a serious adventure like this, and the lion’s share of the credit goes to the great oversight and instruction provided by these two. I know I consider myself fortunate to have had them both aboard. Thanks tremendously, guys.
Now I’m going to head out into the cockpit for the final evening and enjoy the warm weather, the trade winds, the good company. I’m looking forward to getting to Hawaii, to be sure, but I am just as excited about the next couple hours. Although I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that a Mai Tai is sounding really, really good about now…
Have a good watch, friends. And we’ll try to post some pictures in the next couple days.
Wayne Zittel and the Hulagins