Thanks to all those who helped us get to the starting line!
We appreciate the support, efforts and generosity of all those who have made it possible for the individuals and our company to get Hula Girl to the starting line for the 2012 Pacific Cup. First, to the friends and families of our customers and coaches who support their loved ones’ pursuit of offshore adventure! Thank you!

Thank you to the management and staff of the Waterfront Hotel and Miss Pearl’s Restaurant and Lounge. They provide phenomenal hospitality to our out-of-town participants and go way, way, beyond to welcome our customers and support J/World at Jack London Square.
Miss Pearl’s generously hosted our team for a send off on Tuesday. The pizzas were delicious and you gotta love their hurricanes!
If friends, family or you are coming to the Bay Area, please check them out.
Thank you to Atlantis Weathergear for their outstanding support of our efforts to share our passion for sailing. This year’s team is sporting Atlantis’ Watch Jacket in their crew photo.
Thanks also to Dan and the team at West Marine Alameda. They go “over and above” anytime we need something, but especially in assembling the bulk of our crew gear.
Our neighbors at Oakland’s Jack London Square have been fantastic:
Thanks to Wally and her team at Autobahn Cafe for not only making great sandwiches (meticulously wrapped in “halfs” with condiments on the side!) but the extras: organic hard cooked eggs, fresh artisan bread, and “homemade cookies for happy sailors.” Wally and her team are special.
Kincaid’s at Jack London Square welcomed our crew with an extended happy hour on Monday and Keith and Tammy from CCK (California Canoe and Kayak) raised a glass (or two) to support our team. (as well as a providing a few last minute necessities for the crew).
Thank you to our safety gear partner Spinlock, Harken and Team McLube for keeping things moving with their Sailkote and Onedrop products.Apologies to all those I have not mentioned here! There are many others!