Midwinter Clinic/Regatta in San Deigo

J World San Diego is running a three day clinic then racing in the Midwinter Regatta.  we have spaces available, so visit here for more info.  Right now, the clinic is 80% women…  serious girl power!  Or come charter a boat and join the fun for the weekend.   Clinic is February 13-15, regatta is February 16-17.

Come have some fun in beautiful San Diego and advance your racing skills.  This is the best way to get fast.

New Fleet for the New J/70 (Boat of the Year!)

Great News…   the sailing scene in Puerto Vallarta continues to not only thrive, but is constantly growing stronger!  
Fleet of J/70s on the way to Puerto Vallarta!
We are excited to be welcoming a growing fleet new J/70s to Banderas Bay.  There are now no less than five boats on the way and they will be cutting it up in the beautiful conditions down there in the coming month. 
This hot sportboat was just tapped with Sailing World’s prestigious “Boat Of The Year” award.  Lightweight, quick, easy to handle, it’s going to be a perfect boat for Puerto Vallarta.  Anyone interested in joining this growing fleet down in PV should get in touch
Wayne Zittel and the J World Team