Thank you all!

Hey everyone… just a quick note to say thank you to all the friends, alumni, and even strangers who have expressed their support. The whole crew very much appreciated it! And I have been overwhelmed by what a great sailing community we have, and how we really do have each-others backs. Very comforting to know…

I am proud of our whole team… and especially of our lead instructor on the cruise. The US Coast Guard Investigating Officer reported: “As I said on Wednesday night, your safe arrival to shore was a direct result of the quality of your master, Ms. Eugenie, who is the real hero. She quickly determined that the vessel was in trouble, made sound decisions concerning your safety, and directed all aboard with life saving instructions. On top of that, Ms. Eugenie, before departing safe harbor on your journey, insured that the vessel’s equipment was operating properly. In short, a calm and decisive master and good reliable equipment saved your lives.”

Well the helicopter didn’t hurt either, but we appreciate his comments!

Anyway, the crew is recovering from the ordeal quite well, and we’ll start posting some of the accounts of the accident here in the next couple of days. There was some mis-information disseminated initially (and yes, I got some of the facts wrong too!) but we’ll make up for it with some in-depth details. In the J World spirit, we hope that our misfortune can benefit others, and we feel that there are some real lessons to be learned from this.

So stay tuned… I’ll start posting details this weekend…


Wayne Zittel & the J World Team